Behind the Inner Workings of Murphy Library


Susan and Karen playing around
Anita aka "The Director"

Ruth relaxing and supervising

Paul likes to collect special things

Cory, stackin' them books

Ginny working 24/7 so you don't have to

Sloan all surrious bout them books

Deb making sure the library runs smooth

Moni reppin' the Packers

Mike, already prepped and ready for Decembeard

Susan keeping the plants alive

Melissa, whatchyou know bout dem packages?!

Bill loves him some minesweeper

John Jax, cleanest his desk has ever looked

Kate's always smiling

The one and only Ingrid Iverson

Dana working the reference desk single handed and ready to answer your questions

Kevin updating Facebook (not really)

Heather and Dwayne running Circulation with an iron fist!

Service always with a smile when its Courtney

Tyler working Circulation Desk  ready to hook you up with reference materials

Terry pumped and ready for Mustache March

Rachel's got some serious library swag!

Stefan working hard

Murphy's Mug, represent
Jen gave up and let me take the darn picture

Who the heck is this guy?